Lecture 1.1:
Matlab 6: computations, visualization, programming

MATLAB is a high-performance language for technical computing developed by The MathWorks, Inc. (since 1985). The latest version, Matlab 6, was just released in November, 2000. The name MATLAB stands for matrix laboratory.

The package consists of an extensive library of numerical routines which are easily assessible for creating and implementing new numerical algorithms and packages. Computational capacities of MATLAB extend for solving many real-life problems in mathematics, science and engineering. The combination of the MATLAB Command Window, Notebook and Web Server makes this package very promising for further use within the university environment and beyond.

Five main parts contribute to MATLAB software system:

The MATLAB programming language is similar to C/C++ but the basic data element, an array, does not require dimensioning. Specialized toolboxes are also available to enhance capacities of the basic MATLAB package. Colorful graphics and multimedia converters make the work with MATLAB visual, entertaining and prominent for creating well-developed graphical user interfaces, good software design and architecture. The objective of this course is however to study and implement the basic numerical algorithms contributing to MATLAB mathematics rather than to sharp skills in high-level programming.

MATLAB web server is installed on APACHE web server of the instructor. The following demos show selected aspects of MATLAB for the use in numerical computations. The demos accompany the standard distribution of MATLAB 6. In the lectures to follow, original MATLAB programs will be designed and become available to students for further studies.

MATLAB Matrix display
Shows how to convert an user input to mathematical computations and then send output back to the user
Peaks Plot
Shows how to use features of three-dimensional graphics
Simulation of Future Stock Prices
Shows how to run real-time numerical simulations over the Internet
Softball Statistics
Shows how to use file-flat text database