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Quiz 1. Introduction to Operation Research

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Each question has only one correct answer. The results do not affect your final marks.

1: What is the objective function in linear programming problems?

A constraint for available resource
An objective for research and development of a company
A linear function in an optimization problem
A set of non-negativity conditions

2: Which statement characterizes standard form of a linear programming problem?

Constraints are given by inequilities of any type
Constraints are given by a set of linear equations
Constraints are given only by inequalities of >= type
Constraints are given only by inequalities of <= type

3: Maximize z = 2 x + 7 y subject to

3 x - 2 y <= 1
- x + 3 y >= -1

for non-negative x and y. Which of the following points are feasible: A(0,0), B(1,1), C(2,2)?

A, B, and C
A and B
A and C
B and C

4: Consider the constraint

5 x + 3 y - 4 z <= 7

Find the value of the slack variable s associated to this constraint for the point A(1,2,3).

s = 8
s = 6
s = 0
s = -1

5: Maximize z = 3x for 0 <= x <= 5 . Find an optimal solution of the problem.

x = 0
x = 1
x = 3
x = 5

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Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3 Quiz 4 Quiz 5 Quiz 6 Quiz 7 Quiz 8 Quiz 9